
Jul 9th '16 11:11 AM
I went mad for some reason last night. I started with 2 glasses of red wine as I'd opened the bottle to make spag bol. Then I saw the Milka chocolate in the fridge that I bought at the airport and had 4 squares of that. Then 4 more. Then a mini choc coated icecream. It was the wine that made me do it!
Jul 9th '16 11:20 AM
Sometimes it happens. We feel guilty for it, but you can come back from it
You've done so amazing since you started your journey, and you've done great since coming back from your holiday.
Don't let it beat you

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Jul 9th '16 12:51 PM
Ali cat I have failed so so bad I first felt like fainting in work last night as no breaks as usual so I grabbed Mars bar cause i thought it's my career so got to get my head sorted with sugar and quick lol
Then I woke up not been able to sleep even though exhausted and had choc and another mini Mars cause I thought screw it I have ruined it and it's all boiling down to how weak I know il be as my boyfriend getting papa johns Sunday I know I'm to weak or am I ? Is it possible to say no to this pizza !
Jul 9th '16 12:56 PM
I used to eat so much when I drank too. It was like it just sets something off and food seems to taste so much better and just not make me full!

You have done so well though and you can get back on track

Jul 9th '16 19:59 PM
A lot of people have these binges. I don't need alcohol to have one. I just have to get the taste of something then thats it. I binge on it. The other day it was rice cakes and butter. I thought I would have two before I knew it,it was four. Thankfully I had to go to work otherwise it would of been the whole packet. The same happens with biscuits.

It happens thats why I try and not have it in the house.

Today is a new day so forget last night and do what you were doing before.
Jul 10th '16 09:22 AM
You're all brilliant, thank you so much for your ongoing support
Jul 10th '16 10:45 AM
We all had a girly night in last week and out came the bags of chocolate
Well I don't need to say what happened but I certainly made up for my 4 months without chocolate Got back on it the very next day and carried on losing I think its better to have a little binge night then to completely fall off the wagon a few months later because of deprivation
Jul 11th '16 21:42 PM
Hi, thought I would add my 2 pence worth although I appear to be the only guy on here. The thing with comfort eating is that we turn to the things which give us comfort even though they are the root cause of the problem. Realising this will make you stronger nd better able to fight temptation.

So for example when I look in the mirror and start to feel down about my weight I feel depressed and want to comfort myself this often realists in me reaching for a chocolate bar. It's crazy....realise that this is the thought process and perhaps do something else that you find comforting instead....whatever that may be.

It's the same with smokers incidentally. Smokers now turn to cigarettes even more since those horrible images have been plastered to the front of cigarette packs...why....because the images upset them (the subconscious more so) so they end up having another cigarette to settle their nerves. Crazy but true...

All that said I am still a sugar addict...if you're addicted to sweet things you may tend to notice suffering with morbid though if you skip a meal. This is what happens to me on occasion. My body was so dependant that if I skipped a meal I would suddenly daydream some fictional catastrophic event which created feelings of anxiety and would unwittingly grab a sugary's just unbelievable but realisation is the first step.

I hope this help in providing some insights.