Carb mad

May 24th '16 11:06 AM
Lately I've been carb mad especially breads. I don't usually miss it in my life (I eat but moderation) ... once you start and go that little bit far it's so hard to stop

Had my coach swap my macros so I am more fat for the next couple of weeks to get me back on track.

I also had 2 takeways on the weekend
May 24th '16 13:07 PM
Oops! I'm just as bad with the bread, I'm sure I'm addicted to it!

Hope the increased fat macros help

May 24th '16 14:42 PM
Sometimes it's been easy because I've been out in the car ... grab a sandwich etc

No excuse for some of the other shite I've eaten though, the above is the short story
May 24th '16 15:44 PM
Takeaways... I could murder a curry!!! I've been craving one for weeks.

I've not done too bad with my bread recently. I don't particularly like wholemeal - it doesn't feel very substantial to me! But we ahve the 50/50 bread in at home, so when I've had bread I'm eating that. And I've reduced that to once a week now so Monday nights treat after WI is beans & cheese on toast with 50/50 bread
Jul 23rd '16 12:35 PM
I use to eat a healthy homemade sandwich made with fresh vegies. This is the only way I can eat vegies.