Struggling again

Nov 23rd '15 22:58 PM
Have been struggling these last few weeks and lost my mojo! Last two times I have been to class I have gained. Didnt stay to class last week cos I felt like crying, I havent been perfect but have been 90%. The class seems to be a lot of hanging around, queing for ages to get weighed, then dragged out waiting for the consultant to finish her new persons talk and then listening to everyones stories which seems to go off track! It would be nice if the leaders could give you an intestering talk on a subject but it seems to be we do all the talking. I know that helps but can be a bit boring at times. I have gained twice and not once have I had a call or message of encouragement.

How do you find it in your class? Is it encouraging? Does your leader contact you mid week?

I once attended a class (the leader left due to serious illness) but she would send us mid week text, recipes to our email and call us if we didnt attend or had a gain. If you dont have that then you may as well just do the online group?

Has anyone done the online and the groups? How did you find it?

Bud x
Nov 23rd '15 23:35 PM
Hi Bud, so sorry you're struggling. The mind games are hard when the niggly doubts get to you and a couple of gains I can imagine will have added to these.
personally I struggled through month 3 and 4 - a mental barrier from diets gone by unfortunately.

I do stay to class, but I do go to a quiet class - the consultant has very busy classes but this one is her only quiet one and a good few of us are there for that reason - so it might be worth asking if there is a quiet class in your area perhaps?

I find the ladies there more supportive than the consultant in honesty, though she always gives a short talk on a subject relating to losses, trimming syns etc before going through weight losses. A few of the ladies are FB friends and even PM'd me one week I couldn't make it to class to say I'd been missed and ask how I was doing - which was really nice as I don't have any friends since I moved her 8 years ago I've struggled.

I hope you find online motivation enough - with us all for support of course too - and can get going again, you have time to make yourself feel better before xmas still.