Binge eating

Aug 2nd '15 20:35 PM
Just need somewhere to vent... Why can't I get control of my binge eating !!! I feel fantastic when I'm eating healthy, I start to lose weight... and then a binge happens out of no where. I've been like this for years, and nothing seems to help. I've been on a waiting list for counselling for two years. It controls my life, and I don't even know why I do it
Aug 2nd '15 20:40 PM
Really sorry you're struggling. I think perhaps speaking to your GP to chase up the referral for counselling might be a good move. But ultimately trying to minimise the aftermath and your feelings afterwards could be really important.

I don't have any great advice sorry, but we all face our own wobbles and really hope that you can find a way around yours.
Aug 2nd '15 21:02 PM
I've done nothing but chase up the referral again and again, all I get is letters telling me that I'm still on the waiting list. It's a nightmare. The support really isn't there when it comes to the NHS and mental health. Thank you for your support and kind words though.
Aug 2nd '15 21:07 PM
Believe me I do appreciate the frustration regarding NHS and mental health. I have bipolar and have had a lot of waiting times and once refused counselling due to the length of time it took to come through.

Really hope you can find some effective ways of managing your eating though. Are you back on track today?
Aug 2nd '15 21:15 PM
No I haven't been at all, but tomorrow's a new day and I plan on getting back to healthy eating. I've found a couple of self help books on Amazon regarding emotional and binge eating. Just trying to decide which one to get. I thought it might help as I don't really have any other support.
Aug 2nd '15 21:29 PM
Really hope the book helps, any tactics to nipping it in the bud and moving forward sooner has got to help.

Good luck getting back on track tomorrow.
Aug 2nd '15 22:48 PM
Thank you
Aug 3rd '15 02:11 AM
So sorry you're having such a hard time of it Naomi. The mental health budget keeps being cut, more and more mental health proffessionals are losing their jobs, leaving the people in need of help out in the cold with absolutely no support. It's just disgusting!

Hope you find the books helpful in curbing the binge eating.

Aug 15th '15 14:27 PM
I had therapy. Not solely for food but I did come home with a food and mood chart where when you eat bad you document where you ate it what you ate how much and how you felt before and after
Might help you. Food luck x
Sep 21st '15 08:16 AM
Hi Naomi, I've done the eating disorder therapy. The therapists and nutritionists you get to work with are awesome but there sole aim is to get you eating 'normally'. You will not be allowed to go through therapy and diet. I did Mindful CBT which focuses on identifying the trigger behaviours and events and helps teaching mindful eating.
One thing I would say is binge eating is complex and a lot of the initial understanding comes from you. Keep a food and mood diary. What you eat. Where and when you eat it. What you felt. Anything that had happened that might impact. Even if you don't get to go through therapy it may help you spot habitualised behaviours and triggers for binges. Then remove them from your life. However it might be there is an underlying biological cause for the binging and that therapy wont help much. The two most common issues are nutritional deficiencies and Candida infections.
Our heavily processed modern food although calorificaly filling is often short on nutrition. Pop a multivit/mineral or include fresh organic fruit and veg and things like probiotics. Single smoothie in the morning can give everything you need. Example symptoms for this are things like cravings for diet soda - calcium deficiency. If you crave a specific food look for what that food has to offer your body or what it tricks your body into thinking it has got.
The Candida infection is easy to spot. You will be prone to cravings for yeasty, sugary foods, and drink, and will often have yeasty skin infections. A short course of anti-candida tablets or an anti-candida diet will stop the food cravings and the binges in a matter of days. Personally I recommend Harcombe diet. The one week anti-candida food plan could just change your life.
Sadly my behaviour is mostly from habit. I went through a bad time with illness and the only thing I did was sit on my couch, watch movies and eat takeaways for months on end. I still struggle to view a 'normal' meal as food. If I think of what I want for tea I think of pizzas or curries and often feel a sense of physical disappointment looking at 'normal' meals. If I do get through a day without getting a takeaway or some kind of food treat I get so down I often have to sleep just to get through. I have the tools from therapy and like yourself have hundreds of books, documentaries and audio lectures to help me try to understand. Still every day is a struggle. I have not yet made some of the choices to eliminate my triggers that my initial diary identified. Its hard making some changes and the first test is to be brutally honest and correctly identify what to change. People often make excuses as to why that behaviour is important as they identify it as part of who they are. This is where a therapist really is worth their weight in gold. To do it on your own takes a lot but is possible. I found listening to Eckhart Tolle helpful. Tolles talks on how we make stories of our lives and behave based on our stories then how to change instantly using mindful presence have been inspirational but it is your journey. Find what works for you. Even if it means using yourself as a science experiment for a while. Just remember record everything or you might waste a lot of time making the same mistakes.
Hope some of that helps. Good luck and thank you for giving me the chance to go through it again get it a bit straighter in my head. Please remember it is only my opinions on things based on what I understand. Your own solution may be something different.