Pizza disaster!

Jul 20th '14 08:30 AM
So me and DH had planned a nice movie night last night for the first time in 2.5 years since LO was born!
It took an hour and 10 minutes to get LO to fall asleep. That was frustrating!

Then I was looking forward to a nice Chicago Town pizza. DH is rubbish at heating pizzas up and he didn't keep it in the oven long enough. It fell apart in the oven and it was a big pile of lukewarm slop on the plate. I put it back into the oven so it was a pile of hot and crispy slop then! I was so annoyed as I had eaten well all day and done a good workout at the gym and was really looking forward to relaxing with a naughty pizza, and then it turned out so crap. I ended up eating Pringles, chocolate and Haribo sweets after the pizza. Oops!

On the plus side I have lost 1.4 lbs this week, but I think that's from the bug I had earlier in the week!

Jul 20th '14 15:36 PM
Sorry your planned movie night turned out to be disappointing. I guess next time you need to make your husband stay away from the oven if he has no pizza heating skills. You still were able to watch the movie so I guess it wasn't a complete waste and you had chocolate! Sounds like a fun splurge night anyway. Did you see a good movie?

It's always great to have a week where we cheat a little and still lose weight.
Jul 21st '14 08:35 AM
Haha, yes next time I will be heating the pizza up myself!

We watched Insidious 2 which was a great movie, very scary!

Jul 22nd '14 14:45 PM
I saw the first Insidious movie. It was scary! I still need to see Insidious 2.

Hopefully you'll get another pizza and movie night with your hubby soon. Maybe have pizza delivered next time.

Jul 26th '14 19:20 PM
We are having another movie night tonight if LO goes to bed ok hopefully. We are going to watch Gothika.
No pizza this week! But I've saved some calories as I think I'm going to be naughty and have some Pringles and chocolate. I've done lots of exercise today though, so even if I do go over it hopefully won't show on the scales tomorrow!

Jul 27th '14 14:27 PM
Man, it is SO crazy when you base your activity level and amount of food on a future eating event and then it turns out disappointing. I think we have all done it! I remember eating super well and working out tons, early in my journey because it was going to be our anniversary and we were going to try a new restaurant. The restaurant sucked and we didn't even finish our meals and all I could think was, "I worked sooooo hard for THIS?". Hahaha, what a bummer, definitely do the pizza yourself next time.
Jul 29th '14 19:16 PM
When the moment is rare it is safe to say you are probably best making sure you do it yourself in the future Bevz
Jul 29th '14 19:22 PM
We have both agreed that I'm going to be the one cooking the pizza in future!
Jul 29th '14 20:13 PM
I hate when it happens - the perfect evening, the perfect time for a little cheating you go!!!;-) wish your next evening to be the best one;-) good luck with pizza;-)
Jul 30th '14 09:43 AM
Haha I'd have seen my backside on that one