Nachos are my naughty spot!

May 9th '14 12:00 PM
Nachos with cheese, guacamole, salsa and sour cream are my downfall! The kids love them and want them all the time. I have to make them for them and walk away or I'll eat the whole plate.
May 9th '14 18:24 PM
I can't remember the last time I had cheesy nachos! Maybe it was the last time we ate at a Mexican restaurant, which has been a while back. Anyway, kudos to you for being able to make them for the kids and not eat them yourself!
May 9th '14 18:45 PM
Last time I made nachos, I made a big bowl of guacamole and it was probably the best I've ever had! I am definitely with you on loving nachos. Sometimes I will make them with some fresh shredded chicken, black beans, or even refried beans.
May 9th '14 20:37 PM
Oooh I love nachos! I haven't had them for a while but that's probably a good idea as I can't stop once I start eating them!
May 12th '14 14:15 PM
We had some over the weekend. Since it was Mother's Day here in the states we went out to eat. I wanted seafood so I managed to grab a plate of Antarctic King Crab (with corn and potatoes), plus we had lobster nachos. I found out that lobster is not really something I enjoy but it was interesting to try them out.