Struggling with veggie intake

Mar 22nd '14 18:00 PM
I've been monitoring my calories for a while now but not really paying close attention to where those calories come from. Since I'm still not seeing results like I'd like, I decided to work on the quality of the foods as I eat, as opposed to just the quantity. So far, I'm doing good with getting enough low fat dairy everyday, eating fresh fruit, lean meat, and beans, but I'm struggling with veggies -- especially the green ones. How do you guys get enough veggies everyday?
Mar 23rd '14 12:14 PM
You either love them or you hate them and I love them! Luckily my kids do too. We have stir fry a lot, and side salads with everything, plus, I snack on things like baby tomatoes and sugar snap peas. I always have a selection of bite size bits of cucumber, beetroot, sweet peppers, celery and the like in the fridge. It's not that difficult.
Mar 23rd '14 14:58 PM
I would probably eat a lot more fresh vegetables but the prices have been out of this world and just not in the budget. So, instead of fresh vegetables, I've been using a lot more bags of frozen vegetables. It's pretty easy to add those into other dishes or just microwave them for a quick serving.
Mar 23rd '14 17:02 PM
I use frozen veg too as the price of fresh veg is just ridiculous. I buy a few fresh bits of veg that are on offer every week in the Aldi super six offers. I try to eat some veg at each meal. I find it delicious cooked in a tiny bit of butter or coconut oil.
Mar 23rd '14 22:29 PM
I make myself eat whatever veggie they are serving everyday in the cafeteria at work. I also make two veggies each night at dinner. I eat three helpings every single day because of this. Do you like salad? You could start off each meal with a tossed salad.
Mar 24th '14 09:37 AM
We like vegetables and salad so don't generally have a problem getting enough on the plate. I did make a ratatouille in the oven last night though which everyone ate piles of.

Sliced onions
Carrots (diced small)
red peppers
2 tins of chopped tomatoes poured on top

I just baked it in the oven on the bottom shelf (meat was on the top shelf) for an hour and it was delicious.
Mar 25th '14 18:12 PM
Thanks for the input, everyone. I think frozen veggies are something I should look into more, as the grocery stores around here charge a lot for fresh and most of the time the produce doesn't even look appealing. Salad is another option, like aboutme mentioned, but I need to find a grocery store that sells quality fresh produce.
Mar 25th '14 18:26 PM
we always eat veggies at least one meal a day most the time for dinner we either steam them or grilled them
Mar 29th '14 23:38 PM
Do not use frozen veggies because they do no taste very good and they are loaded with preservatives and other bad stuff. The excuse that fresh veggies are too expensive to buy I do not think is a great one.

What I do is cut-up a bunch of different veggies and then I add species and fry them up with olive oil. Maybe it would be better to not fry them, but I think this is a minor issue when it comes to making veggies an enjoyable meal. Do not use sauces, stick with the spices because they are very low on calories.
Mar 30th '14 07:53 AM
Stephen Reed
Quote by Terry:
Do not use frozen veggies because they do no taste very good and they are loaded with preservatives and other bad stuff. The excuse that fresh veggies are too expensive to buy I do not think is a great one.

What I do is cut-up a bunch of different veggies and then I add species and fry them up with olive oil. Maybe it would be better to not fry them, but I think this is a minor issue when it comes to making veggies an enjoyable meal. Do not use sauces, stick with the spices because they are very low on calories.
Some don't taste good, but are they really loaded with preservatives? Which ones? Could you post some examples so I can go look at the packets.

I always thought they were quite a good option, in fact, most of the info I have heard on them says that they are frozen much sooner after picking and that more of the nutritional value is saved.

Look forward to hearing from you, I might have to change my outlook....perhaps?