Trick-or-treat night tonight

Oct 26th '13 14:47 PM
The town that I live in is doing their Halloween trick-or-treating tonight and I didn't plan for it yet. I have no candy to pass out. I don't usually get many children here though and I don't want to be stuck with extra candy that I would be tempted with.

I don't like when they change the day. Trick-or-treating should be done on Halloween night, not the weekend before.
Oct 26th '13 15:04 PM
We used to do a beggar's night. It was always the night before Halloween. I remember my parents thinking that it was a good idea for some reason. We were poor so they probably just wanted us to have the free food. I agree though. It should be one night only and that night should be Halloween.
Oct 26th '13 16:17 PM
I grew up in Pennsylvania, and where I lived, Trick-or-Treat was always the Friday closest to Halloween. When we moved south, my family was upset to discover that Trick-or-Treat was actually on Halloween. They thought it was inconvenient. I guess it can go either way!
Oct 28th '13 08:14 AM
I have only known it to be on the 31st although we do get the odd few calling early or late!
Oct 28th '13 09:31 AM
I wouldn't like it on another night at all! I have issue enough with Halloween without it being done on another day we've got nothing in, we didn't get a single trick or treater last year, so hoping we don't again! My main problem this year is that my older one's now in school, so I'm guessing she's going to ask to go out! I really dislike it though!
Oct 29th '13 15:39 PM
I live off the main road on a side street and there aren't many lights back here. It gets very dark. I decided not to even put the front light on. I never did pick up any candy and was unhappy that they changed the date. The candy won't go on sale until the 31st and I couldn't afford to pay full price. Have you seen the price of that stuff lately?
Oct 29th '13 18:40 PM
Funnily enough, I was shopping with a friend today for bits for our kids joint party and we said we'd wait til after Halloween to buy the sweets cos they'll all be on sale! It's ridiculous how much you pay for them!
Oct 31st '13 06:56 AM
The prices for bags of candy are the scariest part of Halloween. Yeesh. Lucky for me, we don't get a lot of Trick-or-Treaters, so I don't have to buy a whole lot. Just enough to taunt me from the candy bowl.