"Just listen to me"

Sep 27th '13 19:41 PM
Has your significant other said this to you before? I am always amazed when couples argue and one decides to talk over the other, then you hear those magic words "Just listen to me" and most times it is said in a rather rude tone. Does anyone here have this problem?
Sep 28th '13 13:14 PM
A huge problem in relationships is when one person thinks their opinion has greater value than their partner's does. They seek to win a discussion by dominance rather than logic. Frustrating!
Sep 29th '13 14:19 PM
Mine hasn't started that yet. He is still trying to get me to say "I do", so he is almost always on his best behavior. He hates arguments, so he always lets me win. I hope he stays that way forever.
Sep 29th '13 14:53 PM
I hear those words so often that my ears switch off at that point. He tells me that I never listen! It makes me so mad, but I'm a calm peaceful person so I never lash back at him until he cools down. He believes that I've mastered the art of not listening, when actually it's the other way round. Just thinking of those moments makes me so annoyed.
Oct 3rd '13 12:54 PM
My husband hasn't said this yet! We usually discuss things properly though so it's not like we feel that ones opinion is more important than the others. He is usually pretty respectful