What's for tea tonight?!

Feb 8th '14 16:02 PM
We are having pork with pasta and vegetables
Feb 9th '14 12:55 PM
I had pizza last night which was minging and a potato waffle and cheese roll! I'd never normally eat that, but OH made it and it's that rare he cooks I couldn't say no

Tonight's quorn sausages with potatoes, mixed veg and carrot and swede mash - I can't wait!
Feb 9th '14 14:58 PM
It will be something light such as a sandwich as we went out for a huge meal at lunch!
Feb 14th '14 21:37 PM
We had grilled pork chop and pasta.
Feb 22nd '14 21:17 PM
I had salmon with rice.
Feb 22nd '14 21:30 PM
I had pizza and garlic bread I was properly starving though, I didn't eat enough the rest of today!
Feb 23rd '14 23:01 PM
We had lasagne. It was the very first time I had made it and I didn't have any tomato lasagne sauce so I had to do without it. Also I had to bake it in a round casserole dish. It kinda just fell apart! It was pretty nice though, but improvements needed for next time!
Feb 24th '14 08:03 AM
Ooo I want lasagne now! I had sausages, potatoes dauphinoise and a shed load of veg! The potatoes were amazing, but felt so bad I'd been teaching OH how to make them and there was just so much fat with the amount of cheese, butter and milk!

I think it's lentil cottage pie tonight, if I remember to get it out the freezer!
Feb 24th '14 21:58 PM
Your tea sounded good!

I made my weird lasagne again as I had to use the rest of the mince.

Feb 25th '14 00:59 AM
Nandos chicken, salad, garlic potatoes and coleslaw!