Easter nearly coming up - Are you going to be good?

Mar 23rd '16 11:38 AM
Chocolate everywhere!

Are you going to be good or indulge a little?

I'm not going to lie I seen half an Easter egg with ice cream and goodies on top on Facebook yesterday and I think it's a must my girls always ask why I don't share the goodies etc and I want to join in and create things we do together ... now an then right!
Mar 26th '16 23:09 PM
We got given a really large egg to share from a patient, so yes, today I've eaten my weight in dark chocolate. But I won't get any at home as hubby has never bought me an Easter egg!
Mar 27th '16 16:38 PM
We haven't really got much for Easter but I've already eaten a box of chocolates we got for Easter - before Easter!
Mar 27th '16 20:47 PM
I'm 1lb away from 3 stone award.. and am trying hard to avoid chocolate. I have 3 eggs within reach (not mine) and my egg up high on the kitchen cupboard. So far un opened.

Am hoping to avoid it till Tuesday at least and then in moderation.

We did have a roast for dinner, but veggie so not too bad.

Bev - like the style of eating your chocs early!

How you all doing?