Good Night Boy

Sep 22nd '15 18:08 PM
We kissed our 12 year old dog goodbye today. A key part of the family he has been a pleasure to know and love. He's melted hearts along the way and even been a foster carer when we were and he was assessed as suitable for foster children. Our children can't remember life without him and there have been many tears shed (including those by my husband and I).

We travelled to the vets and saw a rainbow as we went, I'm sure he saw it too. And after school and breaking the news to the girls we went to see the horses (for equine cuddles and space to cry), and yet another rainbow appeared (without rain) just after I'd explained the rainbow bridge concept to the girls.

Here is our boy - forever in our hearts and now sleeping with our strawberry patch which he loved to raid.

and his rainbow which the girls shouted up to that they love him

and yes. my 5 year old is pulling a funny face lol kids eh!
Sep 22nd '15 19:41 PM
Oh, my heart goes out to you and your family. The photo of his sweet little face is so gorgeous!
Sep 22nd '15 20:33 PM
Thanks lardylady, he looks quite serious in this pic but he loved being a 'gofer' for a belly rub so it captures that side of him. He was such a fun loving boy, loved swimming, chasing a ball and lots of cuddles with us all - my 10 year old is very lost without his cuddles on the sofa tonight and running around together on his walks.

I know time will heal and we did the best by him though but it's hard all the same.
Sep 23rd '15 08:05 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so cute xx
Sep 23rd '15 20:33 PM
Sorry about your loss PurpleJ, big hugs to you and the family.

It's amazing how much a little thing that can't talk to you, makes an absolutely massive impact on your heart.
Sep 23rd '15 20:49 PM
Thanks ladies.

I've done some work on emotions attached to 'grief' and how she's feeling, also on mindfulness / being in the moment with my daughter (she's 10 and really struggling). My psychology diploma and Bipolar is coming in handy I guess.

Our other dog has joined her on the sofa tonight for cuddles before bed. I'm hoping it will help, he's not as sociable but enjoys a warm blanket!

time will heal but I must admit I'm still having to fight back tears myself at times. He was just such a big character for a little dog.