Just realised

Jun 24th '15 11:01 AM
It was the longest day of the year a few days ago. So days are now starting to get shorter

We best get some nicer weather soon. It's sunny right now but was pouring it down over the weekend :/

I get the winter blues bad so really need the sun right now
Jun 24th '15 11:53 AM
I hope we get some nice weather soon! Today is sunny but the next few days are forecast as rainy
Jun 24th '15 13:09 PM
We've not got it *too* bad here ocer the weekend hopefully. I'm off work tomorrow, bet it bloody rains! I need some sun soon.
Jun 25th '15 06:59 AM
I love the long sunny days! I get worse depression in the winter
Jun 25th '15 07:42 AM
We are having a roof lifted and have a huge plastic cover over the house and it's bloody freezing under it! It's a shock when I go out in the garden and realise it's actually warm out there or the builders complain hot hot they are.
Jun 25th '15 12:49 PM
Weather is awful this year. I love how time hop shows last years forecast and it was just gorgeous most of the time. Seem to have very short spells and it's gone ...

Tomorrow is meant to be quite nice afternoon onwards but then downwards for the weekend. Annoying really annoying!