Anyone any good with DVD players?!

Jun 20th '13 16:33 PM
Mine upstairs has broken it just keeps spinning and then says no disc! Is there any way to fix it? It's a built in one, so it'd have to be a whole new tv! I'm knackered because of it, we're watching a box set so are ending up watching an episode downstairs then going up, but it takes me ages to get to sleep rather than if I watched it in bed!
Jun 20th '13 16:47 PM
Had the same problem with the one in our room. If it's not the disc then sounds like the lens has dust on it.

Can get cleaners pretty cheap (probably a quid down the pound shop):

Does the draw go back in ok? (sometimes it can be the draw doesn't retract fully).

Jun 20th '13 17:15 PM
I'll give that a try, thanks! It's one where you just push the DVD in, so no drawer to close! It's most probably dust, I may or may not have removed an inch of dust from the bedroom yesterday *blush*