You'd think I'd have learned by now!

Mar 22nd '14 08:48 AM
Don't drink on an empty stomach! I've barely drunk in the last few weeks, particularly because I'm working on Saturdays now and work with a hangover wouldn't be fun! And then last night it all went wrong I was fine til I got home and then ended up hugging the toilet OH even brought me up a sick bucket

I couldn't work out how it had happened, but turns out I'd only eaten 2 slices of bread and a packet of crisps and done a run too! Work may be fun today!
Mar 22nd '14 14:24 PM
Oh, no! I hate when that happens. Shall I lecture you on how you need to make sure you eat proper meals?

I feel bad for you. I hope you feel better soon. Working with a hangover is awful!
Mar 22nd '14 17:27 PM
Oops! Never drink on an empty stomach! Although I'm not one to lecture. I've been in that time more times than I can count in the past! Hope work wasn't too bad today!
Mar 24th '14 21:18 PM
I know, I really should eat properly! Work was actually ok, I had an energy drink and some pain killers and it cleared my head!
Mar 25th '14 12:19 PM
Glad work went okay in the end. I wish I could get rid of hangovers like that!