Baked fruit syns?

Oct 29th '15 17:04 PM
Hi Without runnung through a whole load of fruit and seriously boring you - how do I syn baked/cooked fruit please? Such as baked banana, apples in a crumble or cherries warmed up on the hob? I'm hoping fruit just warmed up and not actually cooked would be free? I can hope! I 'can' all my fruit in water every summer ready for winter. Many thanks x
Oct 29th '15 17:19 PM
As soon as you even warm fruit yo it becomes synned.
Generally you are looking at 1.5 Syns per 100g of baked apples, berries are 1-1.5 Syns per 100g, bananas 4 Syns per 100g, cherries 2.5 Syns per 100g
Oct 29th '15 17:52 PM
Well I'm obviously going to have to check with you before I eat anything! Just had warmed plums with 0% and a tsp of honey. And I need to start weighing stuff. Thank you so much - I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions x
Oct 29th '15 18:03 PM
No problem!