Gluten Free

Apr 26th '14 09:37 AM
Is anyone else doing SW whilst having to be gluten free? I am also dairy free and allergic to potatoes,tomatoes & strawberries. All SW staples! Still managing the plan but mainly red rather than green or EE that way get 2 A&B HE.
Apr 26th '14 16:34 PM
Hi Jmommy I am gluten free only and I follow Extra Easy, I usually have either gluten free oats as Healthy Extra or 2 slices of high fibre GF bread. Other than that I have seen a big improvement in my health, as I know what is in everything I am having - we don't eat out any more or have takeaways and everything is cooked at home from fresh I also eat gluten free pasta from time to time - but not often probably once every couple of weeks - it always makes me feel heavy. Well done on managing the plan with all those intolerances and allergies though, brilliant

Hope you have a great week xxx
May 15th '14 17:05 PM
Aw Jmommy that must be tricky for you. Hope you can pick up lots of new ideas on here. I have just joined the forum, joined sw on Tuesday. I want to lose 5 stone in total.
Hi Marie, my partner requires gluten free so will be looking frwd to sharing some ideas with you.
May 15th '14 17:43 PM
Wow how do you manage it?
Not sure if I'm gluten intolerant or just wheat. I just put it down to bread and pastry etc. I find that hard enough without potatoes etc.

Is gluten in oats too? Don't seem to have a problem with them
May 15th '14 17:47 PM
Yes it is Mitch but doesn't seem to effect everyone :-)
May 16th '14 18:14 PM
Hi Molly

Absolutely, if I can help I will. I live in Denmark but know a little about the GF products in the UK. I also make quite a few things from scratch that would normally contain Gluten.

I am not coeliac but quite intolerant so I try and eliminate it as much as possible or pay the consequences

Actually all my previous problems some of which were caused by gluten seem to have completely disappeared since I started Slimming World - so it can't be bad xxx