New Sub-Forums - Any Ideas?

May 26th '15 21:22 PM
I've noticed fair few ex-minimins members have signed up today.

We have all the main forums covered, but if there are any gaps you can see (especially if they are forums you used to use) let us know and we will see what we can do

May 27th '15 09:05 AM
I like the idea of a green day forum for vegetarians on slimming world xx
May 27th '15 09:25 AM
What about a forum for fit bit users so we can share our progress?
May 27th '15 10:24 AM
what about forums for different weigh in days! Like 'Thursday Weigh in' where everyone can share their progress!

Millie x
May 27th '15 10:47 AM
I like the progress ones, especially with all the new fitbit/iwatch style sportswear now being a big thing.

Will have to have a think about how the weigh in one could work. Where you thinking a general forum Millieliza? or seperate forums for individual diets (eg. Slimming World)?

Keep the ideas coming
May 27th '15 10:55 AM
On minimins we had different ones for different diets but I guess it could be interesting to have a general one? see what diets working for everyone

I loved going on and updating everyone on a thursday - good or bad!

Millie x
May 27th '15 11:04 AM
There is a Weigh-In sticky in General Dieting - May be a good idea to give it its own forum so members that weigh on the same day can compare notes lol
May 27th '15 11:16 AM
Yeah I liked having the different ones for different days! But I will subscribe to this one just now! Thanks

Millie x
May 27th '15 16:24 PM
I like the idea of forum for the green days and fitbit/exercise monitors (jawbone, iwatch, etc)

The weigh-in one is a good idea if the right amount of people are using it together If someone starts a weigh-in thread within one of the categories like SW that becomes popular I don't see why I couldn't sticky it for now with the idea in mind to expand on that it in the future.

Thanks for all the suggestions Alison and Millie