Potato - portion control

Jan 29th '17 10:22 AM
Although potatoes are free I want to start weighing them out because I'll eat loads otherwise. what's a good weight of uncooked potatoes?
Jan 29th '17 12:12 PM
I wouldn't have a clue to be honest!
I usually account 1 jacket potato per person. And if I have new potatoes, I just judge it depending the size of them, as to how many I have.

Because the free food is only meant to be 1/3 of your plate, max, judge it compared to everything else on your plate. Make sure it's no more than 1/3

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Oct 10th '18 15:03 PM
I'm not a fan of this free potatoes, pasta and rice at all. High carbs with other options.

I would use moderation based on what you've eaten during the day including bread and cereals.

I'm not SW but I try and keep my carby meals to the evening meal. The 'bad' carbs anyway. If I have time I have oats for breakfast.