Dropped off

Mar 1st '16 11:26 AM
I'm not on plan atm I do one or Two weeks then Jeff it off I get stick of always thinking about my next meal always being prepared always having something plan friendly too hand.
Thing is I really need too lose weight not even a small amount I'm at least five stone over my ideal range. I get this feeling of being controlled by it and start rebelling till I come off altogether then struggle too start again gaining back anything ive lost.
I'm a super fat hamster on a wheel going round and round then round again.
I need a light bulb moment my infertility should be enough too spur me on but it just makes me feel depressed and then guess what I start eating again. Arrgh doesn't help as I'm on run up too star week where my moods change as does my eating.
Sorry for ranting and I realise I need too find what ever it is within me too do this but I use any excuse not too.
Mar 1st '16 12:42 PM
I've been in your position many times before! And the annoying thing is, I don't even know what made me get my backside back into gear when I had my lightbulb moment, so I can't even begin to suggest something properly!

I know that for me, part of it was the fact I'd had to go out any buy new clothes because I couldn't fit into anything I already owned. And it was the second time I'd had to go up a size, so it took a while for that to register with me.
Going back up a dress size I think was my main trigger. That and going over my start weight REALLY brought it home for me. It still took a couple of weeks after that for me to lose anything big, but then in the space of 2 weeks I lost 7.5 pounds and got under the previous stone bracket I was in. Granted since then I've wavered around the same sort of weight, but I've at least not gone over that higher stone bracket and I'm wokring my way slowly downwards.

I think a lot of the time we put too much pressure on ourselves to lose the weight in a specific amount of time. Only 1 hour ago I found myself stood waiting at the photocopier at work thinking that I would love to be able to walk into work before Easter and be 2 dress sizes smaller. That will never happen in less than a month. And logically I know it won't, but it doesn't stop me thinking it.

I've been trying to focus on getting to the next 1/2 stone marker rather than what I want to lose overall. So for me it's about getting back to 11st 7lb, and then I'll focus on the next 1/2 stone. If I don't do it that way I don't think I'll get there easily or quickly.

I'm also trying to make sure I enjoy something every week, whether that's food or drink, but something that is synned, which helps with the feelings of deprivation!
Mar 1st '16 13:37 PM
Hi mummybear12. I can empathise with what you have written. Describes my dieting efforts over the past few years. Except every few months I 'rebelled' my weight has increased higher and higher. I've been big for so long now that I cannot imagine who I would be as a 'thin person'. I have to use disability tools just to get through the day, have sleep apnea, odema, constant refux etc and I know if I just lost 4 stone these would all go completely. And yet years later here I am. Kind of got comfortable even with all the problems. Please do not get comfortable with yours. Your anger is good as it means your body is giving you energy to change something. Its just finding a way to use it. Maybe there is something else in your life that you want to change before you can break your rebellion and accept becoming a different person? My advice is keep a journal. Write what is happening and what you honestly feel about it see if something triggers. Good luck with whatever you do.
Mar 1st '16 15:20 PM
Sarah and Paul thank you for your lovely replies. I know my triggers Paul every month at star week means I'm not pregnant and its hard when people around me are falling so easily. I lost my second pregnacy nearly a year ago and while I think I'm over it maybe I'm not. I'm blessed with one little one but that was a 4.5 year wait for her and I'm worried it wont happen again for us