Week 1 and constantly hungry - can't be right?!

Jan 12th '16 17:44 PM
Hi everyone

So I'm coming up to my first week at SW and I'm on the EE plan and I feel like I'm constantly hungry! I'm pretty sure I'm not doing something right as I feel like I'm eating loads but also I'm just generally struggling to get my head around things a bit. For instance this is what I've had to eat today:

2 egg scrambled with dash SS milk
Slice wholemeal seeded toast, bacon medallions (no fat) and mushrooms fried in fry lite, 1 level teaspoon butter

Jacket potato, baked beans and mix leaf salad

1 boiled egg as a snack
1 mini babybell light
1 banana

I get to mid afternoon and I'm starving - I thought lunch was pretty filling, but no

Any help or ideas greatly appreciated, I feel like lunch is my downfall but too much pasta makes me bloated so struggle to find things to fill me up :*

Thanks in advance!

Jan 12th '16 19:46 PM
Your plan looks good.
How much water do you drink? I find that when I don't drink a lot of water I'm hungry more. It's surprising how much drinking a glass of water can fill you. Ideally try to aim to drink 2 litres a day, and that doesn't include teas and coffees, they don't count towards your water intake. Adding some sugar free cordial is fine if you don't like plain water (I always have cordial in mine!)

The only other thing I can think of is to add more protein foods to your meal plan... The speed foods help speed up your losses, but it's the protein foods that help keep you feeling filled. But in fairness, you seem to have had quite a few P foods (eggs, beans, bacon)
Jan 13th '16 08:54 AM
I wonder if you were a high carb eater before? Lots of bread, cakes pasta type things?? Reducing the carbs can make the body very rebellious with hunger pangs and headaches. You are not denied them on SW but they are worth limiting. Like Sarah says have more water perhaps and try to stick with it and hopefully your body will adjust. It can take a couple of weeks though. Also snacking on vegetables is good. Have a bowl of celery and carrot sticks and the like in the fridge.
Jan 13th '16 12:30 PM
I was a bit like this in my first couple of weeks of SW, I think it's something to do with the amount of fat you are eating (I.E not a lot) fat's not good for you in large portions but its protein and fat that help keep you filled up, things like fruit and veg are good for you but wont keep you full as protein. By the end of the week your body will have probably got used to eating the different food. it does take some adjusting to though.
Jan 13th '16 17:54 PM
Yes I agree, it takes a while for the body to adjust. In all probability your calorie intake is much reduced so don't lose hope, you will get used to it.
Jan 13th '16 19:09 PM
Hi, I'm new to slimming world too, had my first meeting yesterday and have felt hungry all day too
Although seeing that I used to eat loads of cakes etc before that might be why.
I'm determined to stick at it though!
Jan 14th '16 21:18 PM
How much water do you drink a day? I drink about 3 litres a day and I've never felt Hungary.. This is also my first week, at night time I do get a bit of a sweet tooth and crave chrisps or chocolate.. I eat the muller light yoghurts at night time, they're great especially if you have a sweet tooth, snack on lots of fruit aswell..
Jan 14th '16 21:39 PM
Hi all

Thank you all so much for your replies, I think it's a combination of eating lots of crap like cakes and sweets etc beforehand and my body was just used to being full on sugary carbs instead of healthy veg and lean meat! I drink a fair bit of water I try to drink a litre a day if I can and I want to up that dos I barely drank anything before (naughty I know!) I went to group last night and got some great ideas and some of the low calorie choc bars as well. Think it's just a big adjustment as I didn't think I was eating that badly before but clearly I was! Xx
Jan 14th '16 21:47 PM
Those chocolate Orange hifi bars are my saviour!!
Jan 22nd '16 20:55 PM
I was always hungry the first few days but I seem to be getting used to it now. I seem to have a bloated tummy though.
What is normal weight loss in the first week? I'm concerned I won't have any with my stomach this big.