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Hiding Snacks

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' Forum started by Bonnieboobear, Jun 17th, 2015 at 14:11 PM.
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Jun 17th, 2015, 14:11 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Southwest
Posts: 57

Hiding Snacks

I was reading the other day about how if you don't want to be tempted by something, just put it where you can't see it.

At the time I thought 'yeah, right, my inner KitKat monitor would still go off whenever I was within a 10 meter radius'

But I hid the offending (white choc OMG) KitKat, and do you know, I haven't thought about it or been tempted by it since. And we usually have a bag of mixed nuts in the cupboard right on eye level - I used to help myself to a handful every time I made a cup of tea (same cupboard). But now they are at the back of a draw, and I haven't thought about mixed nuts for weeks.

It works!
Jun 17th, 2015, 14:20 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Manchester
Posts: 3,876

I've noticed this... and I've done it a few times, today being a good example. I've just bought a KitKat and put it in my desk drawer. I don't particularly want it, but I've got a migraine and I'm feeling 'shaky' like I've not had enough sugar or something, and chocolate usually helps tons when I get like this. So I bought it, and put it out of sight so I know it's there if I reallly need it, but I'm not tempted to just eat because it's in front of me.

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