How do you manage occasions?

Jul 11th '13 01:44 AM
I'm just wondering if you really stick to plan 99% of the time (even at target) How do you manage occasions like going out, birthdays and my favourite Xmas

Although a Xmas dinner isn't bad is it bar stuffing, proper roasties etc

I mean say if you're all still firmly with SW by Xmas how will you cope with the holiday? Eat on plan until xmas eve then take a few days off to enjoy it with your family? Or one day off? Week off? Or stay 100% to plan?
Jul 11th '13 07:18 AM
For birthdays I'd just save syns and have a massive splurge! Xmas is harder, I dunno what I'd do tbh! Last Xmas was when my eating was really bad (eating 1 small meal a day) but I really pushed the boat out and just ate for about 2 weeks solid I was constantly bloated and feeling sick! I guess the good thing about Xmas diet-wise is that in the new year everyone goes on a diet, so it's easier to get back on it!
Jul 11th '13 07:26 AM
I've been on WW for the past year so whenever it's been a special occasion I've saved my weeklies for it but when it came round to Xmas I had Xmas eve, day, Boxing Day, NY eve & NY days off, all the other days I attempted to point () and luckily I managed to stay the same. I'll probably do the same this Xmas (depending what diet I'm on ) but I'm hoping to be at goal by then anyway.
Jul 11th '13 10:07 AM
That that's the thing I WILL be at goal by then and will probably just take a couple of days off. I put on 6lb over 2 weeks last xmas so ideally I'd like to go a few lb's under just in time for Xmas. At the minute I'm doing SW and doing well at it so we'll see xx
Jul 11th '13 10:39 AM
I'd be tempted to diet just before, even if you're at goal, so if you gain a few lbs it won't matter
Jul 13th '13 18:19 PM
I just eat what i like and deal with the consequences after. Its not everyday, and you need to be able to enjoy urself on such occasions.