Free Foods= too many calories?

Jun 12th '14 19:52 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here!

I am new to dieting - got ill a year ago and haven't been able to exercise, and am also on lots of different meds, all of which have weight gain as a side effect. To cut a long story short, I have become rather blobular.

I have been trying to find a good diet - joined the Dukan Diet site impulsively a couple of weeks ago and have been sticking at that, but their website was ridiculously expensive and ridiculously awful, so I left it.

I signed up to My Fitness Pal to log my food intake and count calories - they calculated I should be eating 1200 cals a day to lose weight (low due to my inactivity).

And then I saw on Facebook that a couple of people I know had lost lots of weight and looked great doing slimming world, so I've signed up with them to be an online member. It definitely seems a lot healthier than the Dukan Diet, that's for sure!

So I've been doing slimming world for a couple of days, not he extra easy plan, and it does seem to be pretty easy!

However, I have a question - they say that foods like pasta and potatoes etc are 'free' and you can eat as much as you want of them. But I am so sure if I did this I would gain weight! I logged my food into my my fitness pal diary, and with slimming world am eating more than the deficit I need to lose weight.

So I'm wondering if anyone can explain how the slimming world plan, what with eating as much pasta, fruit, veg and lean meat as you want, can actually help you lose weight? When they say 'as much as you like' do they really mean it?

Thank you!!
Jun 12th '14 21:22 PM

Firstly welcome to the forum

Slimming world ... I started on SW and have to say it gave me a great kick start and changed the first few of many bad eating and cooking habits but their 'free' for rice, potatoes and pasta I never agreed on regardless of how much veg/salad you dish up.

I would advise moderation. Girl I weighed in with one week gained or just lost 1lb she was baffled by my 3-4lb loses then confirmed she'd ate mostly pasta all week even for lunch!

Certainly don't not eat these foods but don't load the plate either!

Jun 12th '14 21:29 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome!!

That's what I thought would happen with the free pasta (what happened to the girl at your weigh in). If you have a problem with overeating, and are told you can have as much pasta as you like, then it's likely that you will overeat pasta! If it's just you have been eating the wrong kinds of foods, so small not-filling meals with high calorie content, then I can see that changing your habits to eating different foods will make a big difference. But if you eat ok, but just too much of it, then this diet will not do you many favours!

Luckily, I found some really low calorie noodles which I am going to use instead, they are only 4 calories per 100g - slightly odd texture compared to pasta, but they do the job, so I think I will stick to those as I am someone who always accidentally eats too much pasta Glad to hear you have had a lot of success with SW. Hopefully I will too!
Jun 12th '14 21:47 PM
I just noticed all my typing mistakes ... Downside of the mobile , I corrected them.

You've got to think lifestyle change too so if you like pasta have pasta I loveeee pasta and controlling my portions was a nightmare but it soon all clicked into place and now it's the normal.

Good luck
Jun 12th '14 22:15 PM
I also joined slimming world last week. Tomorrow is my first weigh in and to be honest will be surprised if I've lost any.
I've found myself hungry all week which is a shame. I've eaten well with plenty of fruit and veg, more than I would normally and not much pasta or rice.
I shall input tomorrow with my weight.

I'm confused on the whole 1/3 free every meal and snacking but I've not read any other threads yet so will research first.
Jun 13th '14 05:52 AM
Hi I joined slimming world 2nd June I'm due my 2nd weigh in on Monday my first week I lost 8 an a half pounds by doin red an green days I actually only do one green day a week as carbs make me weigh heavy. I think when they say free it's all in moderation have a portion of carbs but then load it up with veg or salad to fill u up. Everything has calories so if u eat to much then obviously your weigh more for example mullerlight light yoghurts r free but if u was to eat 10 then obviously the calories would b high so I only have one a day like I said all in moderation. Hope that makes sense
Jun 29th '14 20:09 PM
Everything in moderation!