What do you eat the day of your weigh in?

Aug 15th '16 20:31 PM
Hi there, my weigh in is a Tuesday evening and just wondering what everyone eats on the day of a weigh in?

I tend to stay away from, pasta, bread etc, stick with fruit, veg and salad, do you think it makes a difference?

Aug 15th '16 20:42 PM
Personally, I eat normally. I even tend to have a big lunch because of the time of my WI and I don't get chance to eat in between getting home and leaving for group.
So a bigger lunch (spag Bol, chilli & rice, pasta bake, etc.) and a smaller tea is my WI eating plan
I don't avoid anything at all, I don't see the point in starving myself as I don't view it as a true reading of how my week has gone.
Eating 'lighter' foods could make a difference, but for me I don't see the point in changing what I eat for those 10 seconds that I'm stood on the scales.

Lots of other people have a different view to me and avoid eating a lot on their WI day, but everyone has a different view

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Aug 15th '16 20:45 PM
Good point Sarah in that it's more of a true reading, thanks 👍