30 Day Shred...opinions

Apr 13th '15 15:54 PM
So what are your experiences with this DVD? I lost a good amount of weight using this but find it excruciating to do every day?

How have you done this if you have tried it? I am back on it tonight and I am scared!

Anyone have any other DVD recommendations?

I work full time and do not have money for a gym membership so if i really do this i have to do it at home and during my free time for free.
Apr 13th '15 16:08 PM
I am starting this tomorrow, I was meant to start it today, but kids don't go back to school till tomorrow so then I can do it once I've finished work and before I collect them.

I've never got past day 10, hoping to this time though it's just I get bored of the same thing each day.

I do have another DVD but it takes longer and time is something I don't have enough of. It's called kettlercise ( it involves a kettlebell if you hadn't guessed)
Apr 13th '15 16:21 PM
thats my issue Kel, i get bored of her blinking voice!

Ok we will see how far we get this time! I got to level 3 before but then it nearly killed me!
Apr 13th '15 16:26 PM
I've never gone past level 1 prob why I get bored, I could do level 1 with my eyes closed!
Apr 13th '15 16:43 PM
I've done it to level 3 and stayed at level 3 for about a year, but I do the insanity classes which are of a similar level and so that's why I've maintained level 3. I totally sympathise about her voice, once I'm confident with the actions in the level I mute her and put my music on, makes it a bit less mundane when you can work out to Korn or something lol. Kettlebell dvd's are also good, but you should try looking on youtube to shake it up some more if you get bored, theres load of stuff on there.
Word of warning: I just did my first 6 week 6 pack of Jillians and I cried. I actually cried (not balling but teary) because it's so hard.
Apr 13th '15 16:58 PM
Oh jeez! I'd be hysterical then!
Apr 13th '15 17:01 PM
That's should have said "bawling" I thin the other word is something else entirely x
Apr 13th '15 17:04 PM
Apr 13th '15 18:26 PM
I'll take a fitness dvd that ends in balling!
Apr 13th '15 19:04 PM