Green Tea Ice Cream

Oct 12th '13 15:21 PM
A friend told me about Haagen-Dazs Green Tea Ice Cream and she said it is very delicious. I took a look at the nutrition information and it doesn't look too healthy.

Has anyone else tried matcha green tea? I don't know what the tea is like so I can't imagine it in an ice cream.

I wouldn't mind trying a spoonful just to see what's it is like.
Oct 12th '13 18:32 PM
I have had green tea ice cream twice, once in a cone and once as an ice cream soda! They were both delicious. I haven't found a brand that I like in the supermarkets, but I'll try your suggestion!
Oct 14th '13 19:42 PM
It doesn't sound very appealing! x
Oct 14th '13 22:49 PM
It does not look healthy at all! I am hoping that MeadowDays realizes that wasn't a suggestion. It kind of looks like a warning. Ordinarily I would think something containing green tea might be a healthier option, but not when it contains all this sugar and fat.
Nov 21st '16 15:13 PM
It doesn't sound something that I would want to try out :P