Nākd Bars - Deals on bars with BBE dates

Dec 17th '15 13:29 PM
Grab yourself a great deal on our short-dated products, don’t worry they still have the same great taste as our regular bars and snacks, they just have shorter Best Before End dates (BBE) than we would normally sell our goodies here on our website.


Dec 17th '15 15:45 PM
Not bad for 71p each. Will have to keep an eye to see if they get have any other flavours on special.

That place is expensive. £14.99 for a flapjack Does it stop you from being hungry all week?
Dec 18th '15 13:26 PM
The flap jacks are 16 per case. The price is one case not one bar it doesn't make that very clear on the berry flapjacks but do state 16 on the cocoa coconut flapjacks!

Dec 18th '15 13:27 PM
Should also thank Alicat for pointing out the bargains on another thread