How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week - The Ultimate 7 Day Weight Loss Kick Start

Mar 18th '14 22:18 PM
How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week - The Ultimate 7 Day Weight Loss Kick Start on Kindle is currently free. I have downloaded but not read yet, thought I'd pop on and share!
Mar 19th '14 10:50 AM
Stephen Reed
It is IMPOSSIBLE to lose 10lbs of fat in a week, those types of diets are pointless, all you will lose is water weight from your body, and a little fat. To lose 10lbs of REAL weight would require a weekly calorie deficit of 35000 calories, most folks need between 10-15000 pw to maintain weight (depending on size).

I think that people need to think about what they really want, weight loss or fat loss?

Not criticising, but these books sell false promise and failure to most people
Mar 21st '14 18:02 PM
i know someone that lost 10lbs in a week. they had shakes and no carb dinner. this it was called something like cambridge diet or cambridge plan. not sure it was one of those diets you do for more than a month. or maybe she gave up after week 4 because she found it too hard.