Chicken all week

Sep 18th '13 16:41 PM
Last night I cooked a whole pan full of chicken thighs in the oven. I figured I'd be able to make meals for the whole week out of it and half the work is done.

I think today will be a chicken wrap with salad and for dinner it'll be a quick chicken stir fry with some broccoli over rice.
Sep 19th '13 09:18 AM
TwylaDee, you are killing me! I love chicken so much that I can eat it three times a day, every day of the year. I've never tried cooking enough for a whole week, though; the most I've ever done is for three days at a time.
Sep 19th '13 13:16 PM
I chicken! I might do a chicken week next week actually

I'm the same as sizeseven that I only use cooked chicken to the 3 days unless freezing it? x
Sep 19th '13 17:45 PM
Mmm that sounds delicious! Enjoy!

I've never made chicken for the whole weeks either!

Sep 19th '13 19:08 PM
I would love to have chicken for a week straight but my family would have no part in it. Do not get me wrong, they love chicken, but not as much as I do. Wraps sound great!
Sep 20th '13 15:25 PM
A whole week of chicken? I love it, but not that much. I'm probably like Avidians family. Skipping it every other day would be just fine for me.
Sep 20th '13 20:59 PM
Well, I may have exaggerated a bit. I don't think it will last the entire week, but I will get many days worth of meals. There were about ten thighs in the package. I had one for lunch in a wrap yesterday and one for the evening meal as a stir fry. Today I used three of them to make chicken salad. I had that for lunch today and saved half for lunch tomorrow. I'll probably throw some barbecue sauce on one or two of them for dinner tonight. That leaves three or four for the weekend. Maybe another quick wrap or two and another stir fry.

I prefer chicken breast over thighs, but the thighs were on sale. I don't care for chicken legs that much.
Sep 30th '13 13:18 PM
I love to roast a whole chicken and eat the meat in several meals. After roasting the chicken, I cut it up. I save the thighs and legs for a couple meals. I remove the rest of the meat from the carcass and use in in chicken salad, wraps or stir fry. Anything that will not be eaten within the first couple days goes into the freezer until I'm ready for it.