Which cereal bars are the healthiest?

Feb 3rd '14 23:07 PM
Cereal bars are yummy and convenient, but a lot of them are loaded with sugar. Which ones are the healthiest? Are there any out there that are high in fiber and protein and low in fat and sugar?
Feb 5th '14 00:20 AM
I haven't checked out the labels on them. I do like to eat dry cereal as a snack sometimes.

If you're looking for fiber, you could probably try granola bars or the Fiber One brand.
Feb 5th '14 15:08 PM
Thanks, Jeans. I decided to try a Great Value protein bar and see how that goes. They have 12 grams of fat, which is a tick high, but also 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. That's pretty good, right?
Feb 5th '14 23:56 PM
I've always been very fond of Nature Valley's granola bars. They have a decent variety, and they're the best-tasting ones I've found so far. I don't know if Bear Naked makes granola bars, but their granola is fantastic if you feel like making your own.
Feb 6th '14 02:30 AM
Check the sugar and carb counts too, MandaBear. That is what I usually do when comparing labels. I always look to see which has the lowest sugar and carb totals first and then balance that against the calories and nutritional values. Something else may be more important to you. For me, I have to limit sugar.
Feb 7th '14 16:10 PM
I think being convenient is the key and most people never bother to read the label. The only ones I use are those from Nature Valley Protein Bars and that is when I am off for a bike ride. We might head out for an hour or six, it really just depends on the day so having protein on the go is very convenient for us.
Feb 7th '14 18:36 PM
I always find that they are high in either sugar, fat or salt, to substitute for the removal of something. I haven't eaten one in a while but I did enjoy a few of them