Lemon porkchop

Dec 23rd '13 02:37 AM
This one's easy:

1 package boneless porkchops
2 cups seasoned breadcrumbs
1 lemon, sliced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
olive oil (to coat bottom of baking dish)

Splash porkchops with a tiny dash of Worcestershire, and tenderize with a fork. Dredge porkchops in breadcrumbs until evenly coated, and place in pan. Sprinkle garlic over porkchops, and lay lemon slices over the top.

Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.
Dec 23rd '13 11:14 AM
Sounds delicious and so simple too!
Dec 26th '13 16:43 PM
Thank you for the recipe. That would be a perfect recipe for weeknights, when we are all busy and I've been wanting some more variety in my pork dishes.