Name it, Work for it, Achieve it!

Feb 9th '16 15:11 PM
Day 1 completed
Day 2 underway

1lb lost last night too which is a bonus!
Feb 9th '16 15:29 PM
Doing something for Lent sounds good I'll start my goal setting based on how I do tonight. Have joined a jogging club twice a week too -really have to push myself to go this week though Listening to everyone else is a good motivator though xx
Feb 9th '16 18:46 PM
Had a bit of a pre challenge setback in the form of got one more food package to come from HelloFresh on Thursday with 6 meal portions in it. So am going for Wed - Sun, Exante milkshakes + main meals. Start Phase 1 Harcombe on Monday for 10 days then move to phase 2.
Exercise will be as planned at least 1 hour/day. So still counting Wed as official start date but not expecting big losses until next week
Good luck everyone with whatever challege they are doing.
Feb 10th '16 23:06 PM
Well done achievers! And planners

My daughter had a set back today - blood test - first ever and she fainted twice. So she's held off running but we're off out tomorrow morning around 7am for a quick 20 mins around our neighbourhood - first time ever we've run the streets. We live on a big hill so that is our warm up / cool down.

I did run on the spot for 4 mins earlier so started my challenge, and also logged my food yesterday and today online and in my journal today.
Feb 11th '16 11:37 AM
Hope your daughter is feeling better PJ!
And a 4 minute run on the spot is better than nothing

Paul, I'm sure you'll see those losses rolling in soon enough!

Kazza did you deicde whether you are going to join us?
Feb 11th '16 14:24 PM
Thanks - she had an early night and felt loads better today.

We made up for it this morning 6.55am we were out the door! Still dark, pouring down and 2 degree's.. brr! I actually felt like a proper runner!
We did a small loop from home - only a mile running (excluding warm up walk down steep hill and cool down walk up the same steep hill). BUT we did it on a day we don't normally run due to college for teen and then my working lates (my last shift tonight).

Off to the gym tomorrow night for a run.
Feb 14th '16 16:44 PM
A week of updates completed for me
Granted I've gone over syns a couple of times, but at least I've logged everything and I know where I've gone wrong
Feb 14th '16 22:15 PM
ok been trying to watch what I eat but tomorrow is my official 'diet' start date I weigh 27 st 5lb O.o not sure how that happened. Did 20mins on bike this morning then spent day stuffing my face and watching Mr Robot. Will update in a wekk when I've lost some decent weight
Feb 16th '16 15:42 PM
Great thread - I will join

Name it - 5 100kg deadlifts
Work for it - Set up my new weights in the garage

Name it - Drop some more inches without losing weight
Work for it - I need to stop falling into the trap of under eating and increase my water intake again
Feb 16th '16 18:51 PM
Go Wobbles!! 100kg is my max deadlift so repping it will be awesome and makes me a bit jealous as miss lifting sometimes I must admit. also jealous of your home weights! lol You really should compete y'know

Running is still happening - weight loss.. I hope to add to tonight