Daily weighing no more!

Jul 31st '15 16:22 PM
Da Da Da I managed it...
It was a real struggle. I ate crap last night and I wanted to see what a difference it had made. I just kept thinking I would need to come on here and admit it so I overcame the urge
Aug 1st '15 10:04 AM
I looked at my scales, and walked away today! I won't weigh now as never do after eating.

Good luck fighting the urge
Aug 1st '15 10:23 AM
I've been up and had breakfast and it never entered my head to weigh myself, wow! Probably because of last night excess
Aug 1st '15 10:30 AM
Hope you enjoyed last night AliCat and glad you didn't register a thought to weigh - maybe the formation of a new habit!
Aug 2nd '15 09:46 AM
made it past crunch time this morning...
Aug 3rd '15 01:52 AM
Well done everyone.

Have to admit that the good thing about going to a group and weighing in there is that there's no reason for me to own a set of scales. I actually chucked mine out so that I wouldn't be tempted. No doubt I'd be on ghe scales every day if I had them.
Aug 3rd '15 11:47 AM
I weighed today 😳 but wanted to see the damage from Friday. Looks like I'm a lb up so if I can lose that in 2 days I'll have a maintain. Trouble is, going away for a week on Saturday means I'm going to let my hair down and won't be able to weigh next week unless the cottage has scales. Yes I could go to Boots but usually weigh naked and I don't think they'd like that!! 😆
Aug 3rd '15 12:21 PM
haha at boots weigh in.. just try not to weigh if they don't have a scales. Enjoy your holiday you'll soon get back to where you were when you return.

I weighed today too. My SW day is tomorrow. Couldn't get dentist appointment today, if I get one tomorrow I'll start any meds after weigh in
Aug 3rd '15 16:53 PM
HA love this thread! I've had my scales taken off me by one of the PT's at the gym.

I am terrible for measuring my success solely on the scales, yes once that worked for me but I have constantly been told for what I am doing (exercise wise) I shouldn't be paying attention to those scales weekly let alone daily then I got threatened with 60 burpees every session I didn't bring them in ... beepers so I took them in!

I am so desperate to get back to where I was but they have made me miserable because I had the fitbit scales so I could obsess over my weight on the app so that moment didn't end ...

Forget the scales while it's nice to see a dip I have slowly dipped and I have gone down a jean size.
Aug 3rd '15 20:49 PM
Glad it's not just us at the other end of the journey who obsess. lol

I am looking forward to tomorrows SW weigh in I must admit, trying to keep my head into that one as a weekly 'fix' I guess, but also to see me getting down the stones and to get my head around them going down.

Well done addressing it Wobbles - those burpee's would have been enough to have me smash my scales up let alone hand them over! lol