My 10km Training Diary

Apr 8th '14 19:16 PM
I've been stopped smoking now nearly 80 days and I have felt I smoke when running, one reason I had to stop for this run but it was different and horrible I just couldn't breath in properly... can't describe it Wasn't happy! x
Apr 8th '14 20:28 PM
You are doing the best thing to listen to your body I hope that your knee is better soon and doesn't cause you any problems.

Apr 8th '14 21:12 PM
Sounds like you're so motivated! Did you get the email today? 6 weeks to go eek!! I so hope we're going to be in the same starting wave!
Apr 8th '14 23:20 PM
I know PP, I wanted to hide under the duvet lol after the 'break' I feel a bit meh. Can't believe I felt like day 1 again yesterday although my minute/km had improved.

I don't want to be sprinting the 10k but I'd love to do it in an hour just don't feel very hopeful!
Apr 9th '14 09:47 AM
I felt like crap after I'd done my run yesterday too I was really pleased with myself and then realised I'd *only* run for 15 mins, which should feel like a big achievement, but I was just like omg that's like a quarter of what I need to do! I need to find a 10k route though, I'm roughly doing a 5k one ATM and then once I've done it I just go home, but I need to be going further to push myself, I'm thinking do my 15-20 mins, walk for about 3 and do another 15-20 and then walk the rest of the way home
Apr 9th '14 14:03 PM
I don't know about you but I am being real with my fitness and weight so know for sure I will be power walking some of the 10k and after the 10k I am going to keep going with running I'm in this because I bettered myself, I wouldn't have been doing 15 minutes this time last year and I certainly couldn't have jogged for 5 minutes so if I jog for 5 power walk for 5 and repeat so be it!

I'm around 5-7.3km and the 7.3km was a push I'd built up then BAM like I said backwards. I'll still do it and I still plan to improve after it

I've just done a session at the gym. I am seriously thinking on run days (which I plan today) I should consider NOT to do too much on my legs at the gym which I did Monday and some today ... feeling a bit weak iykwim, I need to find the right mix each day.

I'll update yesterday workout and today's later on x
Apr 9th '14 14:25 PM
Yea true, a year ago 30 seconds was a struggle for me! I read something yesterday and someone said if you can do 7k, adrenaline and the crowds will keep you going to 10k on the day!

And definitely give your legs a rest at the gym on a running day!
Apr 14th '14 21:44 PM
Rower 10m 1.56km
5kg ball squats x3 15
5kg bench dumbbells x3 15
TRX x2 15
40kg leg press x2 15
7.5kg tricep rope pushdown x2 15
Bike 10m 2.55km
Outdoor run 39.25m 5.09km

10th APRIL
30 knee press-ups
30 squats with 2.5kg dumbbells
30 renegade rows 2.5kg dumbbells
30 lunges 2.5kg dumbbells
5 legs raises
30 second plank

Then break. Life has been hectic, busy and go go go minus any energy.

I had visitors the weekend and we had Sainsburys pizza, garlic bread with soured cream and chilli etc was better than a big greasy take out pizza they always sit heavy.

Now I'm on a bit of a detox for 2 weeks .. or until I cave if before day #1 no coffee.

Anyway back to the run ... Today I did 5.41 in 41.34 minutes! I see slight improvements but since my break I'm just not feeling it and I do feel like I am struggling. My km/min stats were at the best on 4th April but I didn't even hit 5k. It was new route. I'm not feeling great at all I don't know if it's something I should be looking at or I'm just not runner but as it's light jogging really not sprinting style why am I unable to catch breathe? My chest is soooo tight and I just can't breath even with breathing techniques. #confused #frustrated everywhere round here is hilly, there is no flat run but hands up even on the flatter parts I still struggle.

Have attached my running stats ... 3 pictures attached.

Attached Thumbnails
My 10km Training Diary-progress1.jpg  

My 10km Training Diary-progress2.jpg  

My 10km Training Diary-progress3.jpg  
Apr 15th '14 08:44 AM
You're doing really well hun! Breathing wise, do you listen to music as you run? I find doing that I kind of lose myself in it and then I forget about breathing til I start really getting out of breath. The best breathing technique for me has been breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. No idea how it works, but it does I think it just regulates it and you take proper breaths through your nose rather than little mouth ones! Hill running is a killer though, I did a really hilly route yesterday and was so glad to get to a flat bit!

And no coffee for 2 weeks
Apr 17th '14 17:34 PM
Went out last night with the running group although it ended up being just me and the organiser (she is a PT) and I did the best I've done yet including the minutes per km Well happy but came back sweating but worth the victory! It's so odd I run better in a group .... chatting!!!

I can't do it through my nose I end up paying more attention trying to blooming do it

Other exercise

11th April
15 minutes of abs at home - didn't log what for some reason!

14th April
Outdoor run 41.34m 5.41km

15th April
Outdoor run but turned into half walk 38.07m 4.63km
15 knee press-ups
30 renegade rows 2.5kg dumbbells
3 x 15 squats 2.5kg dumbbells
3 x 15 crunches
10 bicycle crunches
3 x 15 bench 2.5kg dumbbells (only I was at home so stacked up on pillows lol)
2 sit-ups
30 second plank

16th April
Outdoor group run 47.53m 7.07km

Attached Thumbnails
My 10km Training Diary-bestrun16thapril.png