The first challenge.

Nov 5th '13 17:03 PM
Since I've started counting calories, my first challenge is just around the corner. We have a luncheon on Friday to honor the Veterans in the community. They always serve soup, sandwiches and the most delicious looking desserts I have ever seen. Any tips on how to get around this?
Nov 6th '13 11:48 AM
I'd probably go with a little bit of everything, so you don't feel like you've missed out, but havent gone overboard! Although it's hard to stop when you've started!
Nov 6th '13 15:44 PM
I agree with having a bit of everything so you don't feel like you're missing out
Nov 7th '13 16:13 PM
Can you have a snack of some veggies and water before you get there? That way, when you see the spread, you won't be famished, and are more likely to be able to stop with a bit of each.