Exante Total

Apr 5th '16 11:40 AM
Hi, I've been in the Exante Total vlcd for one week and have lost 5 lb. I'm not finding it too difficult, but am finding that I can't sleep at night! I walk at least 10000 steps per day, walking the dog, so should be sleeping like a baby, but since day 3 I can barely sleep, although I don't feel washed out in the mornings either. Any tips would be great. Thanks.
Apr 6th '16 09:09 AM
Hi Alfie am really no expert on this so these are just guesses. I've done the Exante total meal replacement several times in the past few years. Its been great for short term fast weight loss for me but sadly didn't address my long term needs. Wow, they have loads more stuff now. I might try it again some time.
Anyway after day 3 the old food in your system has been removed (mostly) and you start to notice withdrawl effects. These can be both chemical e.g. caffine ( small grinding headache and background nausea ) that can last a few days until your body chemistry adapts. And/or psychological which basically means your nervous system is wired to expect certain events and will get a bit anxious should these not occur. Just needs overriding with new nerve pattern or behavioural dealing technique. Like when I go into the college coffee bar my body expects a mocha, panini and a small cake bar. Even if I go in to fix there computer I feel sad leaving without food. Will be the same for breaking dinnertime routines or breakfast etc. Can be a lot of change to deal with. You would probably notice your threat systems bit more ramped up if this were the case. more jumpy/ more angry/ seeing more things out the corner of your eye etc.. Just your subconscious mind telling you things are not normal.
Another possibility is some people emotionally eat. Its one way of dealing with life's events. I often sit down with a cuppa and slice of cake and put the world back into order. Without this I find even little things can be playing on my mind when I try to sleep. Easiest test/fix for this get some paper and spend a few minutes before bed dumping what's on your mind onto paper.
Other than that the Exante diet allows herbal teas. Might be worth trying one of the relaxation ones containing Valerian root before bedtime. Maybe add some daily meditation help relax etc. Also your body stores toxins in fat so when losing weight make sure you stay hydrated. Help it flush them through system.

Like I say these are only some of my understandings and could be totally wrong. Might want to check side effects etc before taking Valerian if choose that path. Hope something in those ramblings are useful and good luck with you weight loss.
Apr 6th '16 09:13 AM
Thanks. I do acknowledge a lot of what you have said, certainly, about lheightened sensitivity etc. Actually last night, I slept all night and feel so much better this morning.
Apr 6th '16 09:14 AM
I will give the diary thing a go too. Thanks.
Apr 7th '16 14:44 PM
Hey Alfie, great to hear you're on the right track.

Personally not a big fan of meal replacements as they tend to just be short term and don't change the underlying behavioural aspects of nutrition.

Bear in mind it takes 66+ days for behavioural change to become permanent. It may be worth slowly reintegrating normal foods as you come to the end of your replacements.