How often do you drink them?

Feb 18th '14 04:31 AM
How often do you drink healthy shakes or smoothies? I try to have a healthy green smoothie every morning. The green smoothies energize me and they are yummy.
Feb 18th '14 09:08 AM
Not very often, as I just don't have the time to make them these days.

I used to make myself a green juice every morning and felt great after drinking it.

Feb 18th '14 10:29 AM
Never. I can't stand them. I've tried so many different recipes and I just cannot find one that I actually like. I tried choking them down but they end up making me feel sick, so I gave up completely.
Feb 18th '14 11:03 AM
I'm the same, I can't stand them! I think it's cos all the smoothies and things I've tried have had bananas as a base and I really don't like banana flavour!
Feb 18th '14 19:57 PM
I try to have them a few days per week. I stay away from all those super green smoothies for the reasons mentioned above. But, that doesn't mean you can't have a healthy smoothie that tastes good.
Feb 19th '14 09:42 AM
It's been a long time since I've had any kind of smoothies, but I've recently (as in, just this week) started drinking Slim Fast shakes. I've been drinking two a day -- one for breakfast and one for "dessert," if you want to call it that.