Low Fat Latte Recipes!

Jan 3rd '14 19:43 PM
Hey, as we were discussing in another post, I thought I'd post some healthy and low fat latte recipes. I know we like to have them and use them as a treat. But, there is a way we can have them more frequently if we just cut down on the milk fat, and sugar from the syrups.
Jan 4th '14 19:55 PM
Thanks for posting that link, Avocado! I love lattes but I hate knowing how many empty calories I'm taking in if I drink them as is. I'll have to try some of the modifications so I can have lattes more often.
Jan 5th '14 02:55 AM
Wow, thank you so much for posting this! Some of those recipes look amazing! I love lattes, so I am so glad that you posted some fat free recipes.
Jan 6th '14 15:15 PM
Thanks for sharing! I don't have lattes often but it's good to know that it can be made healthier for if I do have one though