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Won the war, now the peace.

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' Forum started by Bookworm, Oct 23rd, 2018 at 12:46 PM.
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Oct 23rd, 2018, 12:46 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: On the Welsh Borders
Posts: 91

Won the war, now the peace.

I have got to target, but of course, in many ways, that seems the easy bit. Keeping it off for life needs commitment and support. My husband and I have both lost a lot of weight (Him 6 and a half stones. Me 6) He lost quicker than I did, and has kept it off for a year. We are eating more healthily than we have done for years and weigh at home every week. We go back to our Slimming World group about once every 6 weeks. The chat afterwards fires us up and we have made many friends so its also nice to meet up and have a coffee at group. Yes, we are going to slip now and again. Sometimes life gets in the way, but we realize that it is so important to get rid of the small gain before it gets a large gain and we lose heart and go back to or old ways.
Looking forward to getting to know fellow posters on the same road as we are

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