Warm weather is bad!

Jul 26th '13 16:42 PM
I'm slipping a little bit and I put it down to this really hot weather. I have been indulging in ice creams and ice lollies, and I seem to have gained a few pounds. I had hoped to lose extra because I'm eating a lot of salads but no such luck!
Jul 26th '13 17:27 PM
Same here! When it's so hot I find it hard to stick to a diet and I always diet better in winter for some reason!
Jul 26th '13 18:30 PM
Yes let's all blame though pesky ice creams
Jul 26th '13 19:40 PM
I eat frozen yogurt! I don't feel bad when I get one because they aren't bad for you. I don't work out as much in the summer though. I am much busier running the kids here and there.
Jul 26th '13 21:56 PM
I'm struggling cos it's too bloody hot to cook! Bar last night when we ate at my mums, the poor kids have had oven meals/pasta all week not that they're complaining mind, they'd far rather have pizza and fish fingers
Aug 5th '13 16:24 PM
Mmm I'm going to blame gaining 30lbs since I moved here on the heat! it got up to 51C a few weeks ago. May sound nice but it's actually hellish.
Aug 6th '13 09:16 AM
I'm so glad it's cooled down here now. Last night was the first night in ages that I didn't need the fan on!
Aug 6th '13 09:50 AM
It's definitely better to sleep in but I never struggled that bad when it was hot, unlike my OH
Aug 6th '13 09:52 AM
lastnight was the first night we didnt have the window open... was lovely!
Aug 12th '13 16:13 PM
I have zero idea how I've managed to maintain my weight I'm well happy!

I've eaten a few bad days but maybe because I limited myself? Like when I was away we had Chinese then drinks and my friend had snacks so I avoided the snacks ...!