Warm weather is bad!

Aug 14th '13 19:07 PM
I can not wait for the weather to finally change, if it does not cool down I think I am going to melt. We have been trying to get out earlier in the day to exercise outside but with a sitter that is sometimes an issue.
Aug 19th '13 19:44 PM
I find it's the opposite problem for me. When it's hot, I have less of an appetite and I don't want to cook. It heats the house too much.

In winter, I tend to slack off with the diet because I go into hibernation mode mentally. Plus, it's easier to hide the extra weight under a sweater.
Aug 21st '13 13:04 PM
I'm on the other side of the equator so I can't blame the weather for my weight gain. Actually, maybe I can. It's been so cold and I've been wearing my biggest baggiest sweaters, and eating so much while watching television under the covers. It's way too cold to go jogging outside and my house is too tiny for vigorous exercise. So yes, I blame the weather for everything! But seriously, summer is coming and I need to look good in those tiny tops so I'm throwing off the sweaters and hitting the road - tomorrow.
Oct 11th '13 14:29 PM
Quote by butters:
I'm slipping a little bit and I put it down to this really hot weather. I have been indulging in ice creams and ice lollies, and I seem to have gained a few pounds. I had hoped to lose extra because I'm eating a lot of salads but no such luck!
I am the complete opposite. I eat much more during the fall and winter months because I am in hibernation mode. I don't have an appetite during the summer months. Maybe it is because I don't eat ice cream or ice lollies. I can see how I would be tempted if I wasn't a vegan.
Oct 11th '13 14:56 PM
I want the sunshine back :brat: it's freeeeezing now!
Oct 14th '13 14:54 PM
It is getting cold but I think this is just as bad as the summer temptations too nothing nicer than home made soups casseroles etc with fresh crusty bread and real butter ... spag bol chilli etc in the slow cooker!
Oct 19th '13 13:12 PM
It's getting cooler here. I love the fall weather, but I do have a harder time dieting when it's cold. It's partly because I just spend more time indoors, with the kitchen close by.