Need help! Energy?

Jul 7th '14 15:03 PM
Carbs give me energy. I'm trying to stay away from them. I can't cut them out 100%, I love potatoes. I'm having a hard time finding energy though. I am afraid that it is because I'm not eating the right foods (since I am limiting carbs). What are you all eating that helps give you energy?

Could this just be a short time problem? You know, like my body getting used to not eating as many carbs?
Jul 7th '14 15:05 PM
It could be a short term problem, when I started my diet I was feeling really tired but after a few weeks my energy levels really improved.

I think most my energy comes from all the fresh fruit and veg I am eating now - so much more than I used to and I think it just makes me feel a whole lot better. I do eat carbs but not as much as I used to and also plenty of lean meat.

Hope your energy improves soon xxx
Jul 7th '14 17:41 PM
Actually, fruits and vegetables contain carbs --- the healthy kind you want to eat! You may want to try limiting starchy foods like potatoes and breads to a couple times a week and heavy up on fresh fruits and vegetables, especially now during summer when so much variety is in season.
Jul 7th '14 18:35 PM
also its fine to have the right carbs in your diet ...i know i love bread specially in the morning but I usually pick one that have a lots of grains and fibers
Jul 7th '14 20:04 PM
I totally agree with the fresh fruits and veggies! They will give you so much more energy and a little bit of natural sugars (in the fruits). And they are the good carbs, not the bad, starchy, "white" carbs, the ones that we want to eat less of. That alone might help. Are you eating enough protein as well?
Jul 7th '14 22:35 PM
I find I have the most energy when I eat clean, so nothing processed, no refined sugars etc. I cut out caffeine and dairy too, I'm vegetarian anyway and it's mad how much more energy I have when I have no animal products at all!
Jul 8th '14 20:15 PM
Carbs are energy and shouldn't be taken from a diet IMO, I feel sluggish if I cut carbs out too much. Maybe try and stick to complex carbs?
Nov 8th '14 13:14 PM
I found atkins impossible. I also found the carbs gives you energy line a myth.Low fat low carb? Yeah right.oh and take the salt out. Doesnt that dry puffed quinoa taste great?. The best site to visit to start is Zoe Harcombe. She is a graduated nutritionist and doesnt tell you to cut carbs to zero. She doesnt sell you products to substitute for food. She lectures and questions the pr and marketing b.s. We are given that makes us fatter and sicker than ever. Check it out. Worth a look before Atkins Scarsdale mayo clinic . Good luck.
Nov 11th '14 10:47 AM
Am no expert but from what I have come across in my many years of yo-yo dieting fats is the answer. If you are not giving your body sugars for that instant energy boost retrain it to process good fats. Organic meats, olive oil, good fat from things like avocados or nuts. Once your body relearns this it will start stripping away your natural fat stores instead of relying on receiving regular stimulant or sugar spikes to keep going. I think that's the theory anyway. Good luck.
Nov 6th '23 09:12 AM
Don't worry, It might just take some time for your body to adjust.