My Cut Down/Stop Smoking Journey With Totally Wicked

Oct 21st '13 14:59 PM
So today is my aim to cut down... cut down so I don't pressure myself too much.

Before I have tried:
I have purchased the Totally Wicked Tornado eGo-C slim electronic cigarette which is filled with e-liquid, strengths are different... right now I have the 11mg, next is 6mg and the lowest. I have decided to avoid the tobacco flavour but if I change my mind I can nip back into town. I have:
This afternoon I am just getting use to it. I sat and puffed on the menthol but habit took me to the back door with a normal cigarette and was a bit YUK at the difference. A case of getting used to it and coming away from 'habits' My mind is in the mode so just hope I succeed.

So day 1 I've started half way through between now and bed I'd likely smoke about 20 more *ewww* I have a full 20 pack and I will count before bed.

1 pack of Mayfair fine is £7.25

time will tell ....

Attached Thumbnails
My Cut Down/Stop Smoking Journey With Totally Wicked-wickedstuff.jpg  

Oct 21st '13 15:21 PM
Congratulations on your attempt to go smokeless. Good for you! Literally!

I know how hard that is to do. Took me a few attempts before I managed and I still crave it. I brushed my teeth a lot and chewed up a lot of drink straws. The morning one with coffee was what I missed most.
Oct 21st '13 15:42 PM
Until you find the right personal vaporizer for your needs it might be trial and error. I felt the same and within the first year I went through at least four different ones before I found what works for me. Same goes with the juices. Vaping and smoking are two entirely different things.
Oct 21st '13 16:29 PM
I've done the e-lite before and I liked the idea and cut down in the days I used it but it was too strong for me compared to my cigarettes ... hit that back of my throat like a full strength cigarette so as this goes with habit (to mouth) and had the addictive part of the nicotine I am quite positive along side my mind telling me I need to do this x
Oct 21st '13 17:00 PM
Good luck! I'm attempting it too, we can do it!
Oct 21st '13 19:15 PM
Good luck!
Oct 21st '13 21:00 PM
How's it going? Best of luck hun
Oct 21st '13 22:36 PM
Going ok ... Had a leaky problem and confused but ok ATM. Going Togo discuss and see if I'm doing anything wrong.

Longest without a cigarette is 1hr 45mins which is a miracle for me if have one every half hour hence the 40 day habit plus boredom smokes!

Today as I started half day I've saved at least £3.10

Oct 21st '13 23:20 PM
thats a great start
Oct 22nd '13 08:19 AM
you're doing so well! Fingers crossed for today!