Giving up smoking!

Apr 13th '14 20:51 PM
I'm so pleased for you and I hope the news isn't as bad as you are expecting. My mum stopped with will power alone and I really wish I was like her, but I'm managing to lose weight at the moment so I don't want to push it. Maybe I'll try what you did once I reach my target!
Apr 13th '14 22:21 PM
Thanks guys! I'm keeping everything crossed ATM, got to wait a few days til I can find out more.

Ruby, I totally understand wanting to wait til you hit target - I was exactly the same! So scared of suddenly eating loads and gaining loads back. I've eaten a bit more today, but I think that's cos I wasn't feeling great anyway! Most people I've read about have actually lost weight whilst taking champix cos it makes you feel nauseous so you don't eat!

I've really, really struggled tonight at one point I thought OH was going to force a cig into my mouth and I did nearly waver a couple of times, but then thought what's the point and it'd only make me feel sick anyway! 48 hours done!
Apr 14th '14 21:59 PM
I was the same also both couldn't come together although I was one of those who liked to have a smoke didn't rally want to quit but £ said stop and I was smoking more than needed not enjoying many then when I lost some lbs and got into exercise when I wanted to increase that I realised I needed to stop... especially for the run I'm doing. It's the best thing I've done but you've got to be 'there' and ready.

PP noooo why would he do that, what did he do? I hope you're still going strong x
Apr 15th '14 08:34 AM
It was cos I was so grumpy he's actually being fab now though and hadn't mentioned it unless I bring it up, which helps cos I seem to have forgotten all about it! I even forgot to take my tablet last night, although I remembered just before I fell asleep and thought I'd better take it. I feel like a different woman though!!

First full day with the kids today and it's a stressful things day, dentist and shopping, but I didn't miss it at all yesterday, so here's hoping! Need to book to see the nurse too, my tablets run out on thurs and I've just realised I've not booked already!

Running seemed easier last night already, although that was probably more down to the weather! My chest's really rattley now though, must be all the crap working it's way loose!
Apr 17th '14 22:19 PM
5 days smoke free I love these tablets! I'm feeling really good and don't miss it, although I've had my moments when I've really wanted one when stressed. Tomorrow will probably be my next big challenge if I go to the pub, but I know I can do it. Even OHs impressed, which takes a lot!
Apr 18th '14 08:51 AM
Woo that's fab! Good luck for tonight hun, you can do it!!
Apr 18th '14 09:59 AM
You're doing fantastic! Well done hun
Apr 18th '14 13:42 PM
Thanks hun! I'm struggling a little today as the weather's so nice and the girls are at their dads so I just want to sit in the garden with a glass of wine and a fag! But I'll stay strong! I can't believe I had my last cigarette a week ago tonight!
Apr 18th '14 15:16 PM
I think this is why vaping helps me. You're doing amazing AMAZING
Apr 21st '14 03:56 AM
Way to go! That's what I did. I just decided to give it up one day and I guess I was ready. I haven't looked back since. This is the longest I've gone, and I'm hoping to make it a lifelong goal from here on out.