Are artificial sweeteners better than sugar?

Jan 27th '20 15:22 PM
Are artificial sweeteners better than sugar?

People seem very mixed on who's got it right and wrong in my work place.

Jan 29th '20 20:33 PM
Have neither is the answer but I can’t have my coffee without sugar so the sugar stays

Jan 31st '20 17:39 PM
Both are a problem really!

Best option is neither but like Izzy I can’t have my coffee without sugar and I need my coffee for others peoples safety I find sweeteners in my coffee disgusting!

Critics say artificial sweeteners are a cause of many problems including cancer, not sure how reliable the studies are as they have been dismissed by the National Cancer Institute as far as I’m aware.

Of course it keeps calories down.

Use natural sweetness such as fruit juices and honey if you can.
