I like brussel sprouts

Sep 20th '13 14:05 PM
I like brussel sprouts. I admit it. Is this weird?

No one else that I know will eat them except my aunt. She makes a delicious caramelized onion and brussel sprout dish that is fantastic but she and I are the only ones that will eat it.

Why do people hate the lovely little brussel sprout?
Sep 20th '13 14:09 PM
I love sprouts! In school I was the one that got passed everyone else's I need the recipe for this sprout and onion dish tjough'
Sep 20th '13 15:33 PM
I like to look at them and that's it. You'd need an army of five strong men to pin me down and shove them down my throat! I've just never been able to condition my brain to allow my tongue to enjoy the taste.
Sep 20th '13 16:16 PM
PrincessPikachu - She buys frozen sprouts and let them thaw out. Then all she does is cook the onions and brussel sprouts in a little oil in a pan on the stove until they get a nice caramelized glaze to them. You can add different seasonings to suit your own taste. Ginger gives it a nice flavor. I like them with soy sauce too. She's even thrown some bacon into the pan and used the bacon grease to cook the brussel sprouts and onions. That would add a bunch of calories, though.
Sep 22nd '13 21:54 PM
Well I know what I'm eating tomorrow it sounds bloody awesome! I've got some cabbage too, will whack some of that in!
Sep 23rd '13 13:24 PM
How did it come out? Did you try making them yet? I think adding in some cabbage would be a great idea! Cauliflower would be perfect too.
Sep 23rd '13 15:45 PM
I have always loved Brussels sprouts. I was pretty much the only kid who did!
Sep 23rd '13 19:13 PM
What I find fascinating is how they grow! They look like alien pods. Yummy alien pods. I would love to try and grow some one of these days. I've always liked them too. Sometimes they don't like me though.

Sep 26th '13 13:43 PM
Oh this is one thing I dread anyone putting on my plate... I hate the smell and taste!
Oct 3rd '13 18:41 PM
I'm not sure why people hate brussel sprouts. I have always loved them. I add butter, salt and pepper to them while they cook. I usually roast them and have them on the side of my dinner's main entree. I think they are scrumptious. They are full of vitamins and have a lovely texture.