Vitamin supplements

Sep 13th '13 20:05 PM
I think I need to start taking a vitamin supplement. I've been feeling so draggy lately as if I misplaced my energy. I'm thinking a vitamin may help.

Anyone taking any?
Sep 13th '13 20:13 PM
A multi vitamin will improve your energy levels but see if u can get specifically get a vitamin b complex, which will give u a natural boost. They're called the busy B's because they naturally make u feel brighter!

B vitamins are good for sooooooo many different things it's unreal so it"s worth getting some

Sep 16th '13 13:54 PM
Good reminder... the multi vits need to come out with the green tea
Sep 18th '13 01:13 AM
Multivitamins are a must, especially when you are dieting. I also take vitamin B supplements and magnesium. Magnesium is good for muscle and joint maintenance.
Sep 21st '13 17:23 PM
I bought a multivitamin and according to the label it is pretty complete, although, I do think I need to take a little extra vitamin D besides what is in the vitamin since my levels are always low.

Let's see if this doesn't help perk me back up.

And green tea, yes. Yum.
Sep 21st '13 20:29 PM
I have a couple bottles of vitamins in the cupboard but I always forget to take them. Maybe I should stick them right next to the coffee so I remember in the morning.
Sep 21st '13 21:59 PM
If you are serious about your health, you need to take your multi vitamins religiously. I also take omega three supplements for added immunity.
Sep 21st '13 22:32 PM
I would like to think I am serious about my health, but I also would prefer to get as many nutrients as I can naturally in the form of the foods I eat. I think the body uses them better when they are natural. Sometimes, for whatever reason, the body seems to need a little boost though.
Oct 3rd '13 18:38 PM
You should be able to get all of the vitamins and nutrients that you need out of the foods that you eat. However, if you feel that you are lacking in certain vitamins then I would advise either taking a multivitamin or taking vitamins B and D. B will boost your ease stress and increase your memory. Vitamin D might be beneficial to you if you live in a cold climate that does not get much sun. I also take a teaspoon of colloidal silver each day. It reduces odor and helps your body in numerous other ways.