So hungry today!

Sep 2nd '13 15:44 PM
I've had 4 pink wafer biscuits, 2 bags of snackajacks and a mozzarella salad and I'm starving! I don't feel like eating though! Might have to see what fruit I can find!
Sep 2nd '13 15:48 PM
LOL. Was just about to post something like this (apart from the 'don't feel like eating' bit). Stoopid thing is I don't have anything fresh or healthy in
Sep 2nd '13 15:51 PM
I don't know what it is but I am feeling the same way today. I already blew the diet this morning with three pieces of toast with peanut butter.
Sep 2nd '13 16:42 PM
Twyla, don't worry about the peanut butter, it's good for you! Full of protein and good fats! I decided to quench my hunger with a ryvita with peanut butter!

I think it must be cos the weather's gone cold or something! I've just made a huge chilli, there's got to be at least 8 servings! Think I'll have to get the Tupperware out cos it's only me that'll eat it! Oh well, lots of easy freezer meals for me!
Sep 2nd '13 18:42 PM
Have you tried drinking something? That sometimes works for me if I know that I have eaten and shouldn't be hungry. If I have a glass of water to sip throughout the day, it seems to stave off the pangs. (Most of the time)
Sep 2nd '13 18:54 PM
I've drunk loads today! I tend to have a drink if I shouldn't be hungry too! I'm stuffed now though, had two chilli and rice burritos
Sep 2nd '13 23:26 PM
It's been raining here all day and that's been making me want to cook. I made a quick stir fry with chicken, peppers, and onions and had that over a handful of chow mein noodles.