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Fruits to eat so as to loose weight and how to eat them

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' Forum started by Blesseinstein, Feb 4th, 2023 at 06:39 AM.
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Feb 4th, 2023, 06:39 AM  
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 2

Fruits to eat so as to loose weight and how to eat them

There are several fruits that are low in calories and can aid weight loss as part of a balanced diet:

Berries - such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are high in fiber and antioxidants. They can be eaten as a snack or added to smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt.

Grapefruit - half a grapefruit before a meal has been shown to help reduce calorie intake and promote weight loss.

Apples - high in fiber and low in calories, eating an apple as a snack can help you feel full and satisfied.

Pears - similar to apples, pears are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great snack for weight loss.

Kiwi - contains vitamin C, fiber, and enzymes that aid digestion, making them a healthy addition to a weight loss diet.

It's important to note that fruit should be consumed in moderation, as they contain natural sugars. Additionally, a balanced diet that includes a variety of healthy foods and regular exercise is essential for sustained weight loss.
Mar 23rd, 2023, 13:46 PM  
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 242

Thank you for sharing this information

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